Mommy May and I continued our summer fun today by visiting the Oakland Zoo. It was actually my second trip there, but, since I don't really remember the first time, it was all new to me! Now, seeing as it's
summer in the Bay Area, here I am bundled up in my bomber jacket, with a blanket to spare:

I have recently become more and more interested in animals; I want to stop and meet every dog and cat I see. The other day, Mommy May took me to school with her and I got to see some mice that live in one of the biology classes... I thought they were the best thing ever!! So, we figured now would be a good time to start making some more zoo trips.
Some of the bigger, slower animals are still not that exciting for me; Mommy May pointed out some tortoises, but I still swear they were just big rocks. There were a few animals, though, that really caught my attention. First up, a gibbon (which looks like a monkey but is really an ape):
This little guy (or girl, for all I know) was just hanging out near the fence, watching the kids go by. He seemed as interested in us as we were in him!
Mommy May and I walked around a bit more; I liked the zebras ok, though they pretty much just ignored us. My other favorite were the meerkats... I got sooo excited seeing them run around and watch us:

Before we left, I insisted on getting a shot of Mommy May and I together, to commemorate our day. I guess my portraiture needs some work:

Thanks for a great day, Mommy May!