Tuesday, June 24, 2008

It's Hard Work Being Really, Really, Ridiculously Good Looking...

Today was my 4th day of life, so I decided I better start formally documenting my cuteness. As I'm no amateur, I went straight to work on my "Magnum" look (Zoolander references are an homage to my Uncle Trav and Uncle Trevor). But even I needed a few tries. Here's take one, which was close but no cigar:

Pretty soon, though, I nailed it!

Next up, a little urban flair. After all, I am a city kid, and that's how we roll in El Sobrante:

Boy, modeling is hard work!

Good night for now, everyone!


Katie said...

So cute! The last picture says it all" "Sweet baby boy"

Trav said...

Pretty soon you'll be breaking out with Blue Steel!! El Sobranny style. ;)