Monday, September 29, 2008
Silky Smooth...
Mommy and Daddy May were shocked--and a bit concerned--about how much I loved rubbing my face on Daddy May's pillow case. Everyone's heard of babies and their blankies, but neither Mommy nor Daddy May ever had one. For further testing, Mommy May dug out a satin pillow case and put it in my crib with me. Obligingly, I immediately assumed the position and dropped right off to sleep:
Now, for all of you sputtering and drawing breaths to scream and yell about the risk of SIDS, never fear: Mommy and Daddy May made sure to move it away from my face right away. I just really loved how it felt... so silky and smooth!!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Not-So-Fairy Tales...
We both took several naps today, and read more than a few books. One story, that Mommy May picked up from the library, was particularly interesting:
Mommy May and I both really liked the story... I even had Daddy May read it to me again tonight at bedtime. It is certainly not your run-of-the-mill children's book. The book is all about Mr. Wolf and his Grandma, who are hosting a party in honor of Baby Bear's birthday. The book starts with tips on cooking, recipes, and cleaning up. There is a definite twist, however, when that naughty little girl, Goldilocks, finally gets her comeuppance.
We all thought it was a hoot. When Mommy May looked it up on, however, she was pretty surprised at how many parents blasted it as a violent story. We would like to take a stand and defend this clever story. It is in no way violent, and only--just barely--hints at blondie's fate.
Or perhaps we're just a perverse little family :-)
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Quarterly Report...
I have also reached another major milestone... I have learned how to grab my toys!! Here I am playing with one, albeit a bit solemnly:
Somehow, in that last shot, I seem to have lost my pants... pardon my chubby thighs :-)
And, here I am, relaxing with what is still my favorite play thing:
While today started with smiles and play, the rest of the day didn't quite work out that way. Mommy and Daddy May always take me with them to do weekend errands, and I am always very well behaved. Today, I was fussy and cranky and cried so hard in one store that Mommy May had to take me out to the car, where I continued to cry inconsolably for another 20 minutes.
Eventually, I fell asleep and napped while Mommy and Daddy May had a quick lunch. Once we were home, I was ok for a while, though much quicker to cry than normal. My afternoon was nice, and I played some more with Mommy and Daddy May. Bath time, as always, was peaceful and nice, but the tears started up again--BIG TIME--at bedtime.
I didn't want to be swaddled. I didn't want to breastfeed. I didn't want my baba. I didn't want my binky. I didn't want to lay down. I didn't want to be walked. Pretty much, I didn't want to do anything but scream and cry. At long, long last, after an hour of this, I let Mommy May hold and rock me while I sucked on my binky. When she tried to put me down in my crib, the waterworks started once again. So Mommy May, bless her, held me, rocked me, kissed me, and sang to me, until I finally, finally, fell asleep.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Too Cute for Words! Well, Most of the Time...
Being this cute really is a full time job. To be fair, however, I feel the need to confess that I am not quite this adorable all the time. Here's a picture Nani took that, to be honest, would be better left unposted:
In this picture, I am wearing a sweater that's 3 sizes too small. It's a shame, too, cause it's a gift Cousin Laura brought me all the way from Costa Rica. Well, at least this photo shows I'm human and have a few bad pictures, just like everyone else!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Solano Avenue Stroll
Here we are with my very comfy and cozy jogger stroller:
Yes, I am indeed wearing a doggie hat, and, yes, I realize I am adorable:
The best part of the day was the parade... I loved the horses!
Everyone thought this funny little car was interesting:
This car, though, takes the cake! Only in Berkeley, eh?
There was also plenty of different kinds of dancing!
There were booths of all kinds, for food, crafts, health, clubs... even religion!! I am just sorry Mommy May didn't snap a picture of the East Bay Atheists booth. I think it's safe to say that people of all kinds were represented... for bike lovers, there was even a Bike Rapper. That's right, this guy spent the day rapping about how great bikeriding is:
After a while, and a short nap while Mommy and Daddy May and Laura walked around some more, I started to get hungry, so we started the trek home. On the way, we admired some of Albany's pretty neighborhoods, and we snapped this cute picture of Cousin Laura and a motorcycle:
A few blocks up from our place, we passed by a house we've seen a few times before. Today, however, there was an unexpected surprise... apparently, Obama is now making house calls:
Here's a close up, just because I thought it was necessary:
All in all, it was a very fun day, and I can't wait to do it again next year!!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Third Time's NOT a Charm...
For the past 3 nights, out of nowhere, I have suddenly started having serious issues with bedtime. I am the same happy baby all day, waking up in the morning happy as a clam, eating and playing and napping as usual into the afternoon. Bath time also goes on without a hitch, and I have even been ok after my bath, while I get into my pj's. Once it's time for my bedtime snack and story time, though, I have what Mommy May has not-so-affectionately described as a meltdown.
Suddenly, I start kicking and screaming and refusing to nurse, refusing my pacifier, and refusing to calm down, even when held and rocked. Mommy and Daddy May have tried all sorts of things to soothe me, to no avail. This goes on for about an hour, until I suddenly decide I'm ready to nurse. I then eat, calm down, and go right to sleep. Even I admit that this is strange behavior, and very, very unlike me.
I wish I could help them out and tell them what's wrong, but, hey, I'm just an infant. I can't talk, and, even if I could, I still couldn't tell them, cause I don't honestly know. All I know is that I get very upset and uncomfortable and wish it would stop!
In closing, I feel the need to acknowledge that, in the grand scheme of things, an hour of fussiness a night is hardly cause for panic. We've just become so accustomed to bedtime going off without a hitch, and it's strange to have such a change so quickly without any idea why.
I promise to keep everyone posted... hopefully, I'll have good news soon!
Whodunit? Mystery Solved!
Thank you, too, for my Babar book:
Our whole family was super excited to get this book and start reading it. Of course, it's new for me, but Mommy and Daddy May had never read Babar before, even though they had heard lots about him. Believe it or not, we have already read through more than half of it.
I hope that I can meet you very soon and give you thanks (and hugs and kisses, of course!!) in person!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Happy Happy, Joy Joy...
I usually move closer and closer to Mommy May for snuggles; sometimes I end up almost pushing Mommy May off the bed! She says she doesn't mind, though... she just hugs me close and gives me extra kisses.
After that, I greet the day with smiles, getting changed and dressed and fed one more time before Mommy and Daddy May leave for work. Then, my cousin Laura hangs out with me until Nani gets to our house to spend the day with me. We have fun talking and playing... and even watching a few cartoons here and there! This is a bit of an older picture, of me chatting with my Tía Lu on her last visit, but it really shows how much I love to talk:
I still really miss Mommy and Daddy May a lot while they're at work, but I also have a lot of fun with my Nani and cousin Laura. I am drinking more and more milk every day and growing so quickly!! I'm already starting to grow out of my 3-6 month clothes, and we're starting to dress me in 6-9 month sizes. Can you believe that?!
By 4:00 or 4:30 pm, Mommy May finally gets home from work, and we spend a lot of time cuddling and talking and feeding. Daddy May gets home a little after 5:00 pm, and then he and I catch up too. Mommy and Daddy May got me an awesome jogger stroller, and we take long walks most afternoons, spending time together and getting some fresh air and exercise. Then it's bath time, which I love more and more everyday... I've even learned how to lift up my torso until I start to float in the water! Mommy May says I'm going to swim like a fish someday.
After my bath, Daddy May still reads to me every night, and I am really starting to get into the pictures and stories! Here we are, reading about a trickster named Justin:
After my story, and one more quick snack, it's time to sleep. I still go to bed between 7:00 and 8:00 pm, but now I sleep straight through until almost 3:00 am. Mommy May feeds me really quickly, then it's back to sleep until the next day begins.
Not a bad life, eh?
Saturday, September 6, 2008
It's a Mystery...
A while back, though, we received a mystery gift, which I am happy to model here:
This cheeky onesie, which has "I Already Know More Than The President" printed on the front, arrived in the mail with a card that reads, "This one is for your mom." We read all over the card and envelope, but it was not signed! At first, we all assumed it was from my Uncle Trav, because he had told us before that he was sending some gifts in the mail and completed the order by accident before signing his name. When Mommy May talked to him on the phone several weeks later, though, Uncle Trav said the onesie, while super clever, was not his gift.
So, now I am appealing to my readers, hoping that someone will help us to solve this mystery and give thanks where thanks is due!
Baby May's Special Day...
Here I am with Tía Lu and Uncle Pete, getting ready for my big day. I had lots and lots to say, as well as big smiles.
I was also able to meet some of my extended family, who drove a very, very, very long way to come and meet me!! Here I am with my Great Aunt Beatriz and my Great Uncle Julio. I love you guys!
We had pizza, we had sandwiches, we even had cake and ice cream, and the party got a little crazy as the day went on. Here's my friend Lila, who got a prize horsie because her mommy won my Baby May Pool. Isn't she beautiful?? Apparently, my Nani actually demonstrated how to use the horsie. I will forever regret that no one got a picture of that!
Here's my Tía Lu, giving me some tips on bottle-drinking. You go, girl!
Just in the background, to the left, is a lovely picture of my Auntie M, who also made a major trek to come and meet me. I was able to spend some wonderful time with her, and I hope I get to see her again very soon!