Because of our recent move, the hoopla around my baby party, and the numerous visitors--not to mention Mommy May going back to work!--Mommy and Daddy May and I have gotten a little behind in sending out thank you cards for all of the generous gifts people have given and sent recently. Rest assured that those very important notes will soon be on their way!
A while back, though, we received a mystery gift, which I am happy to model here:

This cheeky onesie, which has "I Already Know More Than The President" printed on the front, arrived in the mail with a card that reads, "This one is for your mom." We read all over the card and envelope, but it was not signed! At first, we all assumed it was from my Uncle Trav, because he had told us before that he was sending some gifts in the mail and completed the order by accident before signing his name. When Mommy May talked to him on the phone several weeks later, though, Uncle Trav said the onesie, while super clever, was not his gift.
So, now I am appealing to my readers, hoping that someone will help us to solve this mystery and give thanks where thanks is due!
This shirt is so cute and clever. I wish I could take credit for it. But it must be nice to have a mystery fan!!
It was from me!! I also sent a Barbar the Elephant book; did you get it?
I wondered what I happened - I thought you would think it the funniest thing ever, but then I wondered if your have become a radical Republican in the months since we last talked. Now I realize I am just an idiot.
But I'm glad Evan is enjoying it!
Can't wait to see you all soon!
Love, Katie
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