Monday, August 10, 2009

Our Quick Getaway...

Back in July, Mommy and Daddy May had planned to take their first overnight trip without me. In the end, they realized they just weren't ready to leave me, so they cancelled and decided to plan a quick family trip instead. Finally, last week, we went to Monterey for a couple of days and had a jolly good time.

We stopped by the outlets, walked around window shopping, ate good food, and, of course, visited the Monterey Bay Aquarium. There was this big exhibit on seahorses, which Mommy and Daddy May really liked. Personally, I didn't care for it... I have nothing against seahorses, per se, but the display was dark and scary and crammed with strangers. I was much happier when we went to visit the sea otters--definitely more my style!

We also visited the Splash Zone, and Mommy and Daddy May tried to get me to touch some of the starfish and stuff, but I wasn't that into it. The best part of the day for me was the children's area. I had so much fun climbing around and playing:

Just look at my happy face!

Of course, I know where to look for the coolest toys:

See? Mommy May didn't raise no fool:

Daddy May got a little video of me splashing in the water and playing with some other kids, but I can't for the life of me find our camcorder. I'll have to add the video in later, so check back!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Hair and Wardrobe...

When my Cousin Laura came up to live in the Bay Area (almost a year ago now!), she brought me a gift from her mom in Costa Rica. Here it is, a nice, warm, fuzzy outfit:

My loyal readers will remember that I have been lucky enough to get some really cool clothes and toys from Costa Rica. For those of you that don't know, my hookup is my Nani, who is originally from there; I still have lots of family down there, too! I really love this outfit, though I have to admit it's not really what comes to mind when one thinks of Costa Rica and paradise. Nevertheless, it is unbelievably toasty and comfortable.

Next up, an attempt at serious modeling:

Like my curly locks and oh-so-thoughtful expression? I bet there are plenty of girls out there (and guys, for that matter!) who would pay big bucks for curls like mine.

Finally, a nod to the gamers. Be honest... has Mario ever looked so cute?

P.S. I'm not really allowed to have my binky except at naptime, but sometimes Nani lets me sneak it now and then, just like grandmas are supposed to. Love you, Nani!