Saturday, May 31, 2008

A Room of His Own...

Mommy and Daddy May and Nani have been working REALLY hard over the past few days to prepare my own little place in the world. Mommy May and I had an exciting day last Thursday... she was doing laundry, washing my awesome new clothes and blankets, and I started to feel squeezed. I guess Mommy May felt it too. She ignored it for a while, but the squeezes kept coming about every 7 minutes or so. I guess she got pretty nervous that it might be time for me to be born; I wasn't sure at first either, but then things calmed down.

When Daddy May got home, they were talking about how they really didn't have things ready for me yet (told you they've been lazy!) and how the squeezes, which Mommy May called false contractions, were a real wake up call. Since that day, everyone here has been so busy!!
My nursery is now totally ready for me. They also picked out my outfit to wear home from the hospital, and Daddy May finally figured out how to put the car seat in the car.

Here's a picture of my fancy new bed (obviously, the toys won't be in there when I am!):

If you look near the bottom of my crib, you can just see my Itty Bitty Kitty... she's been pretty nervous about all of the changes around here. Mommy May has been trying to get her prepared by playing sound clips of a baby crying (like I'm going to be doing all the time), and Itty Bitty freaks out and runs from the room... boy, that cracks me up every time!

Because of limited space and so that I can use it as I get older, Mommy and Daddy May have a regular bed in my room, too. The best thing about it is that people can come over and spend the night sometimes! And, don't worry, I'll sleep in Mommy and Daddy May's room when we have guests so I don't wake anybody up during my midnight snacks.

Here's one last picture of my room, which includes the all-important diaper pail and changing table... Daddy May has never changed a baby's diaper before! I'll go easy on him at first, but boy is he in for some stinky surprises!

Yes, that is a doll in my bouncer. Nani brought it over so that Daddy May could practice changing diapers. Sometimes adults are just silly.

Friday, May 30, 2008

My first shower?

A few weeks ago, Yin-Yin had a party to celebrate me... personally, I can't think of a better reason for a party, can you? Needless to say, I really couldn't see very much, but I heard lots of chatter and laughter, and everyone seemed to have a great time. Most of the people at the party were people Yin-Yin and Daddy May knew from working at a big bank for lots and lots of years. I guess there's going to be ANOTHER party for me in August with more of Mommy May's friends. We received SOOOO many gifts for me--cute clothes, booties, blankets, hats, shoes, even a hamper, a swing, and a stroller! I am so excited to use all my cool new stuff!

Here's a picture of Daddy May being silly, as usual:

And I guess Mommy May can't help being a teacher... even at a party!

The highlight of the party for me was a conversation Mommy May had with a little boy named Joey. On the way to the party, he had asked his mom where they were going. She replied that they were going to a baby shower. He asked, logically, if the baby would be given a shower at the party. She answered, "No, it's a party they throw for a baby." Joey's next question was, "Where will they throw the baby?" His confusion peaked at the party when some of the kids were taking pictures of Mommy May's belly. He heard the kids talking about taking a picture of the baby, and he asked Mommy May, "There's a baby in your belly?" He then proceeded to emphatically reject the idea of a baby being inside a belly, shaking his head vigorously over and over before running away in frustration. Poor guy; can't blame him for being a little freaked out.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

In the beginning, there was darkness...

Well, here I am... wherever here is. I mean, I realize that I am still in Mommy May's belly, and, let me tell you, it sure is dark in here! It also seems to be getting smaller... not too long ago, this uterus was some prime real estate. I was able to swim around and do backflips and all kinds of things... now I can barely stretch my legs without hearing Mommy May complain (though, just between you and me... I think she just REALLY likes to complain!). I still have a bit more baking to do, but I'll be ready to make my debut within the next few weeks, I think. I can't wait!