Friday, November 27, 2009

O, Christmas Tree...

Can you believe that we don't have even one single picture from yesterday's Thanksgiving celebration?! My parents are total slackers. Nevertheless, we all had a really good time at Uncle Paul's, and I was, as ever, a very good boy.

I didn't join Mommy and Daddy May for Black Friday this year, since I ended up going to bed pretty late last night (almost 9pm!!). I am quite the marathon sleeper, so I was just getting up when they got back from shopping. After a nice breakfast, it was time to set up the tree!

I can't even tell you how excited I was about today... I am already quite the fan of Christmas, and I couldn't believe we get to have our very own Christmas tree! The day started out great, and I was so happy to help get out the ornaments:

I also tried to help Mommy and Daddy May put on the ornaments, though I have to admit I spent the same amount of time trying to take them back off:

At some point during the long day, however, a dangerous combination of sugary cranberry and marshmallow salad, lack of sleep (who could nap during a tree trimming?!), and over-stimulation led to a very different kind of Baby May. Here is a picture of my hyper-crazy alter-ego:

Not surprisingly, a teary crash soon followed. After a much-needed nap, things got back to normal, though I was still a little off for my photo-op with the completed tree:

Looks like I could have used a V8, no?
And, last but not least, our tree in all of its glory:

Your branches green delight us!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Behind the Scenes with Baby May...

Here's a little live performance for your viewing pleasure:

P.S. Don't you love how I'm sporting the diaper-and-sock look?!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Just a Little Off the Top...

Well, it had to be done.

Just over a year ago, Mommy and Daddy May gave me my first haircut. It worked out ok, but we all agreed that we cut off way too much hair. Mommy May loves how cute and curly my hair is, so she once again avoided another trim (though I suspect that she's actually just terrified to have to give me a haircut herself). But, it was past time, as you can see from tonight's before shot:

Yin-Yin was afraid that my curls would disappear if we cut off too much hair, but, thankfully, my mop of curls remains intact, albeit a bit more under control:

Holiday picture, here I come!

Talking Turkey...

Well, it's that time of year again, where we go crazy cooking and cleaning and arguing with family--all so we can gorge on turkey and then lay around watching football. But, seriously, I have much to be thankful for, and I'm really looking forward to spending such a great holiday with family and friends.

I also have some new tricks up my sleeve, and I've really been working hard on this talking business. In addition to my first words--dada, mama, nana, and yin-yin--I can also now say bubbles, baba, ball, mm-hmm, and lok-lok (which means up in Yin-Yin's dialect). I've learned a bit of sign language, too, and I can sign bird, fish, more, milk, and hurt.

I mentioned before that I especially love to practice talking on the phone. I've heard it's against the law to talk on the phone while driving, but I don't really see what's so hard about it:

And, when I get tired of running around and playing, I can always chat while lounging in bed:

So, give me a ring anytime!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Doctor is In ...

My dress-up skills are not limited to adorable little animals. While Mommy May was otherwise occupied, I made good use of her costume paraphernalia. Here I am, channeling McDreamy:

I am also quite the convincing method actor. I like to call this one: That's One Heck of a Rash!

What else could this one be but ¡Ay, caramba!

I have also become quite cheeky of late, so this next one was really just an excuse to stick out my tongue:

At the end of the day, though, I just can't hold back the smile:

Take two of these and call me in the morning!


Halloween was a bit of a bust here at our house this year; we got all dolled up and awaited the throngs of trick-or-treaters... to no avail. We didn't get even one visitor! Mommy May was a little disappointed, but, to tell the truth, I had a great time staying up past my bedtime and playing outside in the dark.

Thankfully, I still had a chance to sport my costume in public, at the Fall Fun Festival at Mommy May's school. Here I am with Cousin Laura, getting suited up:

There were lots of fun things to do, including a haunted house, lots of food and raffles, carnival games, and art stuff. I even got to check out a real-life fire truck!

Daddy May helped me win a few of the games. I fished out a rubber ducky and won a car (though I would have much rather kept the rubber ducky!!), and then Daddy May tossed some bean bags for another win:

As you can see, my doggy ears didn't last long; I'm an easygoing guy, but enough was enough!

Last but not least, Mommy May took us on a tour of her school:

I was a doggy, obviously, and Mommy May was a vet; unfortunately, she had a couple of feisty patients.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Prodigal Baby Returns...

Hello, all! I know it's unforgivable that I've gone so long without posting, but I hope you'll give me a chance to explain. This past summer brought with it some life-altering events for my family; while not all of the changes were welcome, we've done our best to stay positive and focus on the good.

Something that has made me really happy is that we moved to San Francisco! We now live in the house Daddy May grew up in, and I get to see my Yin-Yin all the time! Mommy May now teaches at a school in the city where students learn in English, Spanish, and even Chinese.

And, well, you know me, I just roll with the punches and have a great time no matter what! I've become an expert walker, and I love exploring everywhere we go. I also continue to rock the latest trends:

Now, I don't think anyone could call me a chatterbox by any stretch, especially since I tend to take after Daddy May and his quiet ways, but I sure do love talking on the phone!

My musical skills I get from Mommy May, and I love sitting at my music table and playing the piano, the trombone, and, of course, the drums:

If that striped shirt gave you a flashback to the 70s, you're spot on; that was Daddy May's shirt when he was a baby! I know they say that everything comes back in fashion eventually, but I have to be honest that I have my doubts about that particular shirt =P

We have also entered into negotiations around potty training. Don't get me wrong, I love sitting on my potty; I'm just not so sure I'm ready to make a deposit. Mommy and Daddy May seem set on it, though, so I'm sure they'll bring me around eventually!

I am so happy to be back in business and hope to catch up with everyone soon!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Our Quick Getaway...

Back in July, Mommy and Daddy May had planned to take their first overnight trip without me. In the end, they realized they just weren't ready to leave me, so they cancelled and decided to plan a quick family trip instead. Finally, last week, we went to Monterey for a couple of days and had a jolly good time.

We stopped by the outlets, walked around window shopping, ate good food, and, of course, visited the Monterey Bay Aquarium. There was this big exhibit on seahorses, which Mommy and Daddy May really liked. Personally, I didn't care for it... I have nothing against seahorses, per se, but the display was dark and scary and crammed with strangers. I was much happier when we went to visit the sea otters--definitely more my style!

We also visited the Splash Zone, and Mommy and Daddy May tried to get me to touch some of the starfish and stuff, but I wasn't that into it. The best part of the day for me was the children's area. I had so much fun climbing around and playing:

Just look at my happy face!

Of course, I know where to look for the coolest toys:

See? Mommy May didn't raise no fool:

Daddy May got a little video of me splashing in the water and playing with some other kids, but I can't for the life of me find our camcorder. I'll have to add the video in later, so check back!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Hair and Wardrobe...

When my Cousin Laura came up to live in the Bay Area (almost a year ago now!), she brought me a gift from her mom in Costa Rica. Here it is, a nice, warm, fuzzy outfit:

My loyal readers will remember that I have been lucky enough to get some really cool clothes and toys from Costa Rica. For those of you that don't know, my hookup is my Nani, who is originally from there; I still have lots of family down there, too! I really love this outfit, though I have to admit it's not really what comes to mind when one thinks of Costa Rica and paradise. Nevertheless, it is unbelievably toasty and comfortable.

Next up, an attempt at serious modeling:

Like my curly locks and oh-so-thoughtful expression? I bet there are plenty of girls out there (and guys, for that matter!) who would pay big bucks for curls like mine.

Finally, a nod to the gamers. Be honest... has Mario ever looked so cute?

P.S. I'm not really allowed to have my binky except at naptime, but sometimes Nani lets me sneak it now and then, just like grandmas are supposed to. Love you, Nani!

Friday, July 31, 2009

You've Got a Friend in Me...

Mommy May is FINALLY done with summer school and her summer class, so now we can relax a little and have lots of fun again! We have a trip to the Monterey Bay Aquarium planned for early next week, so I'll make sure to post about it soon.

With Mommy and Daddy May busy during the day, and Yin-Yin at home recovering from surgery, I have spent lots and lots of time with Nani... I've also made another special friend:

Meet Mr. Teddy Bear--we love to play and cuddle. Here we are in a nice sequence... Reach:



Tuesday, July 21, 2009

13 Months and Counting...

Summer is well under way, and I have been keeping busy, busy, busy! I've read like a thousand books (especially Good Night, Moon over and over and over again):

I've also logged a good number of hours goofing off in the tub:

A very special birthday friend arrived all the way from Costa Rica, and we have been having a blast!

Speaking of long journeys, this kangaroo shirt has been on one heck of a long trip:

My Tía Lu bought that t-shirt years ago while she was studying abroad in Australia. She actually bought it for one of my cousins, but the shirt was too small by the time she got home to give it to him. Nani held on to it and kept it safe all this time, through several moves, and now I'm finally big enough to wear it! Thanks, Tía Lu... and Nani!

Monday, July 20, 2009

A Very Belated Birthday!

I am a bad, bad Baby May! Well, not exactly bad, but I'm so sorry that I haven't been posting!!

First and foremost, I wanted to give an update on my super awesome birthday party! As you can well imagine, it had all of the usual trappings. There was cake:

And presents:

I even made a new friend!

Daddy May was up to his usual antics:

Most importantly, we all had a really great time:

Thanks to everyone who was able to make it, and to those who couldn't make it but sent their best wishes! I definitely look forward for many birthdays to come!

Friday, June 19, 2009

A Full 364...

It's finally here!!! Tomorrow is my big O-N-E! I have been on this Earth now for 364 days... I've enjoyed myself so much, I think I'll stick around! My birthday party is tomorrow, and I will definitely be posting photos.

I have learned so much over the past year; it's really quite remarkable. I can dance, laugh, talk (sort of), crawl, walk (with help), point, clean up, and splash--all in addition to my natural-born skills in drinking, pooping, and crying!! I can even pinch, and tickle, and share! Oh, and, obviously, I can blog like a pro.

And, like all little (and not-so-little) boys, I aspire to being a superhero. Here I am as Super Baby:

Here's an aerial view:

Mommy May would like me to point out that she had no hand in setting this up; I moved the bib around all by myself! Unfortunately, I have a feeling she's not going to let me wear this outfit to my party... oh well.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Boy of Summer...

Remember my last post, where I was snuggled up in a nice, warm jacket? Not today! Today was a beautiful day. It was one of those rare summer days (at least where I live!) where the sun was shining, the sky was clear blue, and I could actually go outside in a t-shirt. We made sure to take full advantage! Yin-Yin has been working hard on revamping her backyard--with yours truly specifically in mind, of course--and we had some fun today hanging out on the deck and enjoying some sunshine:

You can be sure I did more than just lounge around and look adorable. Daddy May and I goofed around for a while, playing with some of my summer toys:

Mommy May and I also made time for snuggling, as always!

Did you see the little bell tree in the corner? No, we're not celebrating Christmas in June, silly! I learned a new word today, bell, and I was fascinated by the pretty sounds they made. We took it outside with us just for fun. Then I spent time praticing my waving skills while Yin-Yin cleaned up some of Daddy May's toys from when he was a little boy:

After all that, I sure was tuckered out! Mommy May got this neat shot of me taking it easy on the way home:

Today was soooooo much fun! I hope the nice weather holds for my birthday party this Saturday!!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Out and About at the Oakland Zoo...

Mommy May and I continued our summer fun today by visiting the Oakland Zoo. It was actually my second trip there, but, since I don't really remember the first time, it was all new to me! Now, seeing as it's summer in the Bay Area, here I am bundled up in my bomber jacket, with a blanket to spare:

I have recently become more and more interested in animals; I want to stop and meet every dog and cat I see. The other day, Mommy May took me to school with her and I got to see some mice that live in one of the biology classes... I thought they were the best thing ever!! So, we figured now would be a good time to start making some more zoo trips.

Some of the bigger, slower animals are still not that exciting for me; Mommy May pointed out some tortoises, but I still swear they were just big rocks. There were a few animals, though, that really caught my attention. First up, a gibbon (which looks like a monkey but is really an ape):

This little guy (or girl, for all I know) was just hanging out near the fence, watching the kids go by. He seemed as interested in us as we were in him!

Mommy May and I walked around a bit more; I liked the zebras ok, though they pretty much just ignored us. My other favorite were the meerkats... I got sooo excited seeing them run around and watch us:

Before we left, I insisted on getting a shot of Mommy May and I together, to commemorate our day. I guess my portraiture needs some work:

Thanks for a great day, Mommy May!