Friday, July 31, 2009

You've Got a Friend in Me...

Mommy May is FINALLY done with summer school and her summer class, so now we can relax a little and have lots of fun again! We have a trip to the Monterey Bay Aquarium planned for early next week, so I'll make sure to post about it soon.

With Mommy and Daddy May busy during the day, and Yin-Yin at home recovering from surgery, I have spent lots and lots of time with Nani... I've also made another special friend:

Meet Mr. Teddy Bear--we love to play and cuddle. Here we are in a nice sequence... Reach:



Tuesday, July 21, 2009

13 Months and Counting...

Summer is well under way, and I have been keeping busy, busy, busy! I've read like a thousand books (especially Good Night, Moon over and over and over again):

I've also logged a good number of hours goofing off in the tub:

A very special birthday friend arrived all the way from Costa Rica, and we have been having a blast!

Speaking of long journeys, this kangaroo shirt has been on one heck of a long trip:

My Tía Lu bought that t-shirt years ago while she was studying abroad in Australia. She actually bought it for one of my cousins, but the shirt was too small by the time she got home to give it to him. Nani held on to it and kept it safe all this time, through several moves, and now I'm finally big enough to wear it! Thanks, Tía Lu... and Nani!

Monday, July 20, 2009

A Very Belated Birthday!

I am a bad, bad Baby May! Well, not exactly bad, but I'm so sorry that I haven't been posting!!

First and foremost, I wanted to give an update on my super awesome birthday party! As you can well imagine, it had all of the usual trappings. There was cake:

And presents:

I even made a new friend!

Daddy May was up to his usual antics:

Most importantly, we all had a really great time:

Thanks to everyone who was able to make it, and to those who couldn't make it but sent their best wishes! I definitely look forward for many birthdays to come!