Friday, June 19, 2009

A Full 364...

It's finally here!!! Tomorrow is my big O-N-E! I have been on this Earth now for 364 days... I've enjoyed myself so much, I think I'll stick around! My birthday party is tomorrow, and I will definitely be posting photos.

I have learned so much over the past year; it's really quite remarkable. I can dance, laugh, talk (sort of), crawl, walk (with help), point, clean up, and splash--all in addition to my natural-born skills in drinking, pooping, and crying!! I can even pinch, and tickle, and share! Oh, and, obviously, I can blog like a pro.

And, like all little (and not-so-little) boys, I aspire to being a superhero. Here I am as Super Baby:

Here's an aerial view:

Mommy May would like me to point out that she had no hand in setting this up; I moved the bib around all by myself! Unfortunately, I have a feeling she's not going to let me wear this outfit to my party... oh well.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Boy of Summer...

Remember my last post, where I was snuggled up in a nice, warm jacket? Not today! Today was a beautiful day. It was one of those rare summer days (at least where I live!) where the sun was shining, the sky was clear blue, and I could actually go outside in a t-shirt. We made sure to take full advantage! Yin-Yin has been working hard on revamping her backyard--with yours truly specifically in mind, of course--and we had some fun today hanging out on the deck and enjoying some sunshine:

You can be sure I did more than just lounge around and look adorable. Daddy May and I goofed around for a while, playing with some of my summer toys:

Mommy May and I also made time for snuggling, as always!

Did you see the little bell tree in the corner? No, we're not celebrating Christmas in June, silly! I learned a new word today, bell, and I was fascinated by the pretty sounds they made. We took it outside with us just for fun. Then I spent time praticing my waving skills while Yin-Yin cleaned up some of Daddy May's toys from when he was a little boy:

After all that, I sure was tuckered out! Mommy May got this neat shot of me taking it easy on the way home:

Today was soooooo much fun! I hope the nice weather holds for my birthday party this Saturday!!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Out and About at the Oakland Zoo...

Mommy May and I continued our summer fun today by visiting the Oakland Zoo. It was actually my second trip there, but, since I don't really remember the first time, it was all new to me! Now, seeing as it's summer in the Bay Area, here I am bundled up in my bomber jacket, with a blanket to spare:

I have recently become more and more interested in animals; I want to stop and meet every dog and cat I see. The other day, Mommy May took me to school with her and I got to see some mice that live in one of the biology classes... I thought they were the best thing ever!! So, we figured now would be a good time to start making some more zoo trips.

Some of the bigger, slower animals are still not that exciting for me; Mommy May pointed out some tortoises, but I still swear they were just big rocks. There were a few animals, though, that really caught my attention. First up, a gibbon (which looks like a monkey but is really an ape):

This little guy (or girl, for all I know) was just hanging out near the fence, watching the kids go by. He seemed as interested in us as we were in him!

Mommy May and I walked around a bit more; I liked the zebras ok, though they pretty much just ignored us. My other favorite were the meerkats... I got sooo excited seeing them run around and watch us:

Before we left, I insisted on getting a shot of Mommy May and I together, to commemorate our day. I guess my portraiture needs some work:

Thanks for a great day, Mommy May!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Been Caught Smiling...

Today was Mommy May's very first day of summer vacation, and I was so happy to spend all day with her!! We had a relaxing morning, playing with my toys and then picking them up... and then taking them out again and then picking them up yet again!

Later, after my morning nap, Mommy May and I went to the store to get some more stuff for my big party. Here I am, with my super grin, after stealing Mommy May's wallet right out of her purse:

tee hee!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Adventures in Housekeeping...

Mommy May is just about done wrapping up this school year, so she got to come home a little earlier than usual today. We had a grand time playing around and making a general mess of things:

Of course, after the mayhem come the chores. Mommy May snagged this video of me on clean-up detail:

I can think of 2 really appropriate titles for this clip... Hiding the Evidence or Out of Sight, Out of the Way... and did you notice how I keep my favorite little blue car in my right hand at all times? That's pretty much what I do all day long!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Mr. Manners...

I've been learning a lot about the concept of sharing, and I really love handing my toys to other people... provided that they remember to say thank you, that is! Of course, I reserve the right to snatch my toys back right away--but that's usually only so I can hand them back over and over again! Too much fun!!

We've also been working on picking up my toys. Mommy May and I work together to put my toys back in their bins. To be really honest, Mommy May ends up doing most of the work, but I put my fair share away, too. Not surprisingly, my toys, even my new favorites (cars!!), end up in my mouth:

Speaking of cars and cleaning up, get a load of this line-up:

Don't worry, I'm not super-OCD baby or anything... that was actually Nani's doing. I sure do like seeing my cars all lined up and ready for me, though! I tend to play rough with my toys in general, knocking them together, shaking them, throwing them... one of my more painful lessons was learning that toys sometimes hit back. But I don't take it personally; I just brace for impact and carry on:

And, at the end of the day, I'm still uber cheerful--and cute as a button, no?

Monday, June 1, 2009

Please, Sir, May I Have Some More?

I've posted before about my fondness for books, and I spend quite a bit of time every day with my beloved books. Here's one of my favorites:

The big yellow wheels actually spin around--how cool is that?! It's also got all kinds of animals, and I love to go through each page, pointing out the monkeys, and frogs, and giraffes. I especially like having Mommy or Daddy May read it to me at bedtime.

Another of my favorite bedtime stories is Nighty-Night:

It has the cutest pictures of Big Bird, Bert & Ernie, and Cookie Monster, all cudding up with their favorite snugglies.

The coolest thing about bedtime stories is that I have recently discovered that more is better!! I have long since been a fan of more: more food, more milk, more kisses... the list goes on and on! Now I know that I can also have more story; the beautiful thing about books is that, when you get to the end, you can just start right over again! Now, anytime Mommy and Daddy May read me a story, I always insist they read it twice!