Mommy and Daddy May and I usually spend weekend mornings cozied up together. Don't get me wrong, we get up way too early (usually by 7am!) to be considered lazy bums, but we hang out and snuggle and play. I often end up taking a nice nap at some point, too. This morning, I wasn't happy sharing space, so, inch by inch, I tookover the bed until there wasn't much room left for Mommy or Daddy May! In the midst of all of this wiggling, I discovered a new fascination... satin! I love rubbing my face on it, as you can see here:

Mommy and Daddy May were shocked--and a bit concerned--about how much I loved rubbing my face on Daddy May's pillow case. Everyone's heard of babies and their blankies, but neither Mommy nor Daddy May ever had one. For further testing, Mommy May dug out a satin pillow case and put it in my crib with me. Obligingly, I immediately assumed the position and dropped right off to sleep:

Now, for all of you sputtering and drawing breaths to scream and yell about the risk of SIDS, never fear: Mommy and Daddy May made sure to move it away from my face right away. I just really loved how it felt... so silky and smooth!!
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