I promised to post some pictures from my party a few weeks ago, and, young as I am, I try to keep my promises :-)
Here I am with Tía Lu and Uncle Pete, getting ready for my big day. I had lots and lots to say, as well as big smiles.

Here we are, the Family May! I'm not sure why Daddy May and I look so serious. At least Mommy May remembered to smile...

I can't believe how many extra special gifts I have received in my short little lifetime: in addition to the wonderful blankets and toys and clothes and shoes, I have gotten many handmade items. People have taken the time to make me blankets and quilts and sweaters. My latest personalized gift is this painted onesie... someone painted me a ducky onesie... isn't that amazing?!?! The gift is from my friend Lila's family--Lila's mommy knows I'm a pretty big boy, so she made sure the onesie was size 12-month. It's a little too big for me now, but, once I'm old enough to rock it, I will be sure to share some pics!!

I was also able to meet some of my extended family, who drove a very, very, very long way to come and meet me!! Here I am with my Great Aunt Beatriz and my Great Uncle Julio. I love you guys!

We had pizza, we had sandwiches, we even had cake and ice cream, and the party got a little crazy as the day went on. Here's my friend Lila, who got a prize horsie because her mommy won my Baby May Pool. Isn't she beautiful?? Apparently, my Nani actually demonstrated how to use the horsie. I will forever regret that no one got a picture of that!

Here's my Tía Lu, giving me some tips on bottle-drinking. You go, girl!

Just in the background, to the left, is a lovely picture of my Auntie M, who also made a major trek to come and meet me. I was able to spend some wonderful time with her, and I hope I get to see her again very soon!
1 comment:
Many thanks for the horsey! Our neighbors love it!
-L & L
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