Happy 2009, everybody!!
I realize that I am inexcusably late with this post... time just keeps getting away from me!! I would never have guessed just how busy the holidays could be. There was something to do everyday, whether it was cooking, cleaning, going shopping, visiting people, having guests over, and on, and on, and on!! Of course,
I didn't have to do much of that stuff; I spent most of my time playing and napping and looking adorable. But I did tag along for the ride and have a great time!
Finally, Christmas day arrived, with all of its glory. Oh, and all of its presents, too!! See if you can find the best present of all in this picture:

Nani helped me open a few of my presents:

I really liked what I got: lots and lots of books, a toy box, Baby's First Christmas ornaments, a wagon, a toolbox, a football and baseball, some great new clothes, and much, much more.... I wasn't as crazy about the actual opening of the presents, though. The noise of all the tearing paper was a bit much for me; in the end, I let everyone else open my presents, and I just enjoyed playing with everything. I even got my own personalized water bottle:

Later that day, we headed over to Yin-Yin's house for dinner and more presents... she had the biggest, most beautiful tree I've ever seen:

A few days after Christmas, Aunt Lucy and Uncle Pete came up for a visit. It was great fun to spend time with them. We were naughty and didn't take too many pictures. I had to get another round of shots on the 30th, so I had another few days of fever and soreness. Then, toward the end of the trip, Tía Lu got pretty sick, so we both ended up laying low.
We did snap this quick photo right before they went home, which, to be honest, isn't the best picture ever, but I'll share it anyway:
I can totally see why people get so excited about the holiday season... it's a wonderful time filled with food, family... and awesome gifts!! What could be better than that?!
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