Hello, all! I know it's unforgivable that I've gone so long without posting, but I hope you'll give me a chance to explain. This past summer brought with it some life-altering events for my family; while not all of the changes were welcome, we've done our best to stay positive and focus on the good.
Something that has made me really happy is that we moved to San Francisco! We now live in the house Daddy May grew up in, and I get to see my Yin-Yin all the time! Mommy May now teaches at a school in the city where students learn in English, Spanish, and even Chinese.
And, well, you know me, I just roll with the punches and have a great time no matter what! I've become an expert walker, and I love exploring everywhere we go. I also continue to rock the latest trends:

Now, I don't think anyone could call me a chatterbox by any stretch, especially since I tend to take after Daddy May and his quiet ways, but I sure do love talking on the phone!

My musical skills I get from Mommy May, and I love sitting at my music table and playing the piano, the trombone, and, of course, the drums:

If that striped shirt gave you a flashback to the 70s, you're spot on; that was Daddy May's shirt when he was a baby! I know they say that everything comes back in fashion eventually, but I have to be honest that I have my doubts about that particular shirt =P
We have also entered into negotiations around potty training. Don't get me wrong, I love sitting on my potty; I'm just not so sure I'm ready to make a deposit. Mommy and Daddy May seem set on it, though, so I'm sure they'll bring me around eventually!

I am so happy to be back in business and hope to catch up with everyone soon!