I've written a few posts about some challenges we've had at home since Mommy May went back to work, so, for now, Mommy May has cut back her days at work so she can spend more time with me. Even though she didn't have to go in for the whole day, she had a morning meeting today, so she took me with her!! By now, you all know that I am a baby who loves to sleep. I generally sleep from 7:00 pm (or earlier) until 8:00 am (or later), waking up just a few times to eat. So this is how I felt about having to get up early with Mommy May:
Grumpy morning aside, Mommy May and I actually had a completely wonderful day. I was adored by all at Mommy May's school, of course, and I even got to meet some of her students! Afterwards, we stopped by the mall so Mommy May could finish putting together her outfit for the upcoming wedding. (More to come very soon on that topic!!!)
I was undeniably good the whole time, as always, and I managed to fit in 3 pretty long naps while we were out on the town, or, as Nani likes to call it, "out measuring the streets." Once we got home, I spent some time playing in my walker, and I have already learned how to move myself around the kitchen:
After a fun-filled day of work and play, Mommy May and I took a nice, long afternoon nap together. It was wonderful! But the best part of the day, at least from Mommy May's perspective, was that I nursed without complaint the entire day! What nursing strike? I nursed while we were out, while we were home, and even at bedtime! I hadn't done that in quite some time.
Mommy May credits the new bottle system she got me, and I would have to agree that it has certainly helped. I had only ever used Dr. Brown's bottles, which Mommy and Daddy May chose to help prevent tummy troubles. They never imagined that I might end up preferring my baba to breastfeeding, though. So, after some research, they switched me to The First Years Breastflow bottles. The bottles are designed to mimic breastfeeding, and I have to latch on and use compression--just like nursing!
I have to admit that I resisted the bottle change at first; after all, the other bottles were so easy and comfortable. But, from the first day with the new system, I started to resolve my nipple confusion and had less trouble breastfeeding. Now, it seems, we are totally back on track! Yay!! Thanks, Mommy May, for not giving up without a fight.