No, I'm not talking about raindrops on roses or whiskers on kittens, though who wouldn't love either of those things?! (As an aside, Daddy May has prohibited Mommy May from watching The Sound of Music with me, but she told me she's going to sneak it in anyway! I'm not sure I'll like it; we'll have to see).
Anyhow, back on topic. As I enter into my 3rd week on Planet Earth, our little family has really started to settle into a comfortable routine. Mommy May and another mommy friend of hers have determined that I am an easy baby, and I would have to wholeheartedly agree! The only time I cry is when I am hungry or a little too tired and cranky. I don't think I've cried for more than a few minutes or so at any one time!
I take 2-to-3-hour naps during the day and wake up for an hour or 2 in between. When I'm awake, I am a very happy baby. I like being held by Mommy or Daddy May and watching them, or lying quietly and looking around our house, or just being rocked in my swing:

naptime comes around again, I like to catch my
ZzZz's in my cozy bouncer, so I can stay close to Mommy and Daddy May and not miss any of the action. This bouncer was a gift from my friend Lila (she gave it to me since she got too big and didn't need it anymore). It is seriously comfortable and even vibrates and plays music:

Another very important component of my happiness is my
binky. I am still new to so many things in this world, sucking being one of them, so it takes me a few tries to really get a hold of my pacifier, but, once I do, I am a very happy camper!

Itty Bitty Kitty, while not technically a thing, is also one of my favorites, and she takes almost as many naps as I do! She has a set place on the back on the couch where she likes to curl up, and she's very well-behaved and only sleeps on her little gray blanket:

But the biggest secret to our success as a happy family, apart from the fact that I am just such an agreeable baby, is our
nighttime routine. Mommy and Daddy May set up a bedtime ritual right away, which really makes things easier for me. Between 7:30 and 8:30 pm every night, Mommy May makes sure I am awake and feeds me dinner. After eating, Mommy and Daddy May give me my bath, which is hands down my favorite time of day! The bath itself is
ok; I have a baby bathtub and get to soak in the warm water. The best part is actually after my bath when Daddy May holds me over the sink and Mommy May shampoos my hair... it is Divine!! I am always so relaxed and happy after my shampoo. Then Mommy May feeds me one more time while Daddy May reads me a story. After that, I happily go to sleep for at least 4-hour stretches in between feedings. My
nighttime feedings are very relaxed and quiet, and I almost always go right back to sleep after eating and getting changed. The only tricky part for Mommy May is keeping me awake long enough to have a full feeding!
Here's me right after my bath and shampoo:

Next up, me sleeping like an angel in my
playard. I don't use my crib yet, cause I'm so little yet and Mommy and Daddy May want me close by while I still need so many nighttime feedings. I really love my
playard! As you can see, I sleep in the bassinet. Mommy and Daddy May have just started training me to go to sleep on my own; they now put me in there while I'm drowsy but still awake. I wasn't a big fan of that at first; I would cry a few times and they would come in and comfort me and make sure I had my
binky. After a few nights, though, I got the hang of it, and now I don't mind too much (although being swaddled sometimes makes me mad still!). I have also recently discovered the mobile at the top of my
playard... I can stare at that thing for MINUTES at a time, which, for those of you who don't know, is an eternity in baby time!

Peace out!
1 comment:
I'm glad to hear you're being so good for your parents! I can't wait to meet you soon. :)
Uncle Trav
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