Thursday, June 12, 2008

Belly talk...

Here we are, almost 38 weeks along! Still not a whole lot going on, really. Mommy May has not been sleeping too well at night, so she takes lots of naps during the day now. But, don't worry, I am sleeping just fine!

One thing that happened was that the 3 of us went to a breastfeeding class at Kaiser. At first, Daddy May was the only daddy there in a room full of women; he was getting pretty nervous... but, finally, about 5 more daddies showed up with mommies, so he felt better. The nurse that taught the class was pretty quirky and funny--she actually showed everyone an overhead with different types of newborn poop! Can I just say, gross?! Mommy May and I were very sleepy through most of the class, but, overall, I think they learned some useful stuff to make sure that I get off to a good start breastfeeding... yummy!

One of my favorite times of day is bedtime, when Daddy May always takes time to talk to me and say goodnight. I wanted to close with a transcript of a recent conversation:

Daddy May: Hey there, buddy, how you doin'? It's your daddy. Whatcha doin' in there? Have you been kicking mommy a lot? Yeah? Are you running out of room in there? I can't wait to meet you. All right, buddy, have a good night. I love you.

I love you, too, Daddy May!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Those night time talks are some of the best times. I hope that you and Daddy May keep those speccial times even when you are older.