When the contractions were consistently a minute long and 5 minutes or less apart, Daddy May called Kaiser to see when we should go in. One problem with the labor was that Mommy May's blood pressure was very high. Nani (who used to be a nurse) brought her kit over and kept checking Mommy May, but her blood pressure didn't go down. They decided to wait and go in to the hospital after trying to get a little sleep, but, as soon as Mommy May got in bed, she felt a really strong contraction. All of a sudden, I felt a pop near my head, and some of my water started gushing out! Well, needless to say, we all packed up and headed off to the hospital!
They settled us into our room, and all 3 of us dozed a bit off and on through the night. By morning, the doctor was concerned that the contractions weren't progressing, and we were all worried that Mommy May would end up too exhausted for the harder part if we didn't speed things up. So they gave Mommy May some medicine to move things along faster, and, boy, did it work! Mommy May was 2 cm dilated when we arrived at the hospital, and 4 cm dilated mid-afternoon on Friday. Over the next hour, even with pain medicine, Mommy May started having a REALLY hard time with all the contractions (which were coming one right after the other). When they checked again, Mommy May had gone from 4 cm to 10 cm in just over an hour! Ouch! The rest passed very, very quickly... Mommy May pushed me out in about 30 minutes! All of the hospital staff kept telling her she was a champion pusher, but I know I helped a lot too by scooting down.
Soon after I was born, Daddy May took this picture, which pretty much summed up how Mommy May felt after giving birth:

I am so happy that you are finally here. What a beautiful baby you are, I knew you would be. I can hardly wait until I get a chance to meet you.
Congratulations! What a great birth story! I'm so glad that it went so well for you. By the way, I think I totally won your baby pool. Good job Evan!
Congrats!!! He's such a cutie pie. I can't wait to meet him in person. I'm glad you're all doing well and are home.
Yeah!! I'm happy for you guys! Evan's beautiful, and I'm looking forward ot meeting him in person sometime soon!
Take care of Mommy, Evan!
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