Monday, June 2, 2008

You Gotta Be in It to Win It...

Well, we've already determined that the countdown has started... I'm in the home stretch, and it's anyone's guess when I will be making my entree into the world. That being said, I have noticed the lack of a traditional baby pool in my honor. So, once again, I am taking things into my own hands.

I have decided to sponsor my very own Baby May Pool, and everyone is invited to participate! Here's the need-to-know info so far: my official due date is June 28. As of Saturday, May 31, I was 36 weeks along. One last thing to note is that Kaiser will most likely induce Mommy May once I am 2 weeks overdue (which would be at 42 weeks).

So, start your calculations and post (or email me) your best guess! The winner will be determined by which guess is closest to the actual date and time. In order to break ties, your guess should include both the date and the time you predict I will arrive. The winner gets exclusive bragging rights, of course, as well as a token gift to be presented at my coming out party in August. Apparently, I already have a savings account started, so don't worry, if the Parents May don't want to pony up, I'll take care of the prize!

Let the contest begin! (Boy, this is fun stuff... might a career as a bookie be in my future?)


tazulu said...

Boy! Oh baby Evan, this is a challenge for me...
I would say that you will arrive on June 18, 2008, at 9:15 pm. I hope that I am right on schedule with you. :)

Su Saperstein said...

This message is for Itty Bitty. Have Daddy May bring home one of Baby Evan's receiving blankets from the hospital before the baby comes home to get Kitty use to the new smells.
:) Suz

lucypye said...

I hope, for Evan's sake, he is born on July 3 at 10:39pm--after all, that is the best birthday of the year!

Anonymous said...

Hi Evan! I think you'll be arriving on July 1st, around 11:00a.m. If not, then, July 12th! =)

Things I May Regret Writing said...

Yo, what is with all the July predictions? Apparently everyone is expecting you to come late. I wouldn't wish that on any pregnant woman. I'm going with June 21st, 5:30 pm. Oh, and I'm also predicting a painless and speedy delivery. :)


Unknown said...

I'm with Lillian... I'm going to go with June 15, at 7:59 pm. I realize that is wishful thinking on my part, and I don't even care!

--Mommy May

Unknown said...

Oh, Evan....I think July 4th would be a grand day for an arrival!! Your birthday will be celebrated by everyone!!! Right Adam?
Love, yin-yin

Anonymous said...

How about June 23rd at 3:24 pm? Something about that date sounds good to me=)

Anonymous said...

June 30th sounds just fine. about 2:30am

Anonymous said...

We predict June 27th at 10.15am - but we've got the advantage of not saying whether that is in French time or US time. We've got an advantage of a 9 hour time span (that might just about cover the whole labour, if you are lucky!!). Good luck from Stu, Rhi and Jamie xx

Katie said...

June 29, at 11:59pm

(Why do I feel like I'm on the Price is Right? I want to say $1.00!)