Thursday, June 26, 2008

To the Victor, the Spoils...

Lillian is the undisputed winner of my baby pool! She predicted that I would be born on Saturday, June 21 at 5:30 pm. As I was born on Friday, June 20, at 5:47 pm, she had the closest guess. Congratulations, Lillian!! Your grand prize, besides plenty of kisses from me, will be revealed at my coming out party in August. Take a bow!!

p.s. Mommy May also wanted me to thank you again for making your prediction so early... she would not have been too happy if I had waited till July.


Things I May Regret Writing said...

Booyakasha! I'm the winner! Great work, Baby May!


Trav said...

It doesn't seem fair that she should win. She must have some secret super mommy instincts.

Katie said...

But the real winner here is Tania. Way to get that baby delivered!