Saturday, June 14, 2008

A class act...

This Friday, Mommy May got a package in the mail. We had to go the post office to pick it up; she was a little confused, cause she hadn't ordered anything recently. She was very happy to see that the package came from the school where she teaches... the students and teachers from the English class she taught had sent her a present! Rather, they sent me a present, but it amounts to same thing, really. Here's are a few pics of the adorable blanket they sent:

The class also sent Get Well and Welcome Baby cards, and there were notes and letters from the students and teachers. The timing couldn't have been more perfect! I've been a little worried about Mommy May recently, and this was just what she needed! This third trimester has been a little hard on her; first, she was really sick with asthma, and it took a long time to get it under control. Thankfully, everything with her breathing is better, but now she's just uncomfortable and tired a lot of the time. She's been staying pretty close to home, which can get kind of lonely. I try to cheer her up and remind her that I'm here and that I love her (with plenty of well-placed kicks, of course!), but I think she needed a little more than that. She has really, really missed her students, and I know she wishes she could have seen them again before summer started. She'll be sure to thank them all lots and lots when she sees them again this fall!

1 comment:

Things I May Regret Writing said...

Hey, Baby May, today is my day in the baby pool, so let's get on with it already! Love, Lillian