Sunday was the best, though, cause we just had a long, lazy day with lots of family time! We slept in, cuddled a whole bunch, and took a nice family nap in the afternoon. I also had a much-needed pedicure, included here for your enjoyment:

It's a big, big world out there... I hope they're ready for me!!!
Mommy and Daddy May and I spent some time today taking pictures to commemorate my 1-month milestone. Before we get to that, however, I want to explain something about the Bay Area, for those of you who don't know (or who have conveniently forgotten!). Today is July 20, and today's high temperature at our place was 64 degrees. Fahrenheit. I share this because it made picture-taking a bit of a challenge. This is me taking a quick nap, in a long sleeve shirt, long pants, warm socks, a heavy blanket, and, yes, mittens!
That being said, I wanted to take everyone on a brief trip down memory lane... this was my 1st picture ever, at the hospital on the day I was born: And here I am today, all grown up! (well, ok, so not ALL grown up, but you know what I mean...)
Check out another pic from day 1:
That outfit was ridiculously big on me then... see how my hands are lost in the sleeves? Well, take a look at this same outfit today:
I can still pull it off, but barely. My little toes are starting to get a bit cramped down there!
I was telling Daddy May a pretty funny joke in this last photo:
As always, more updates to come. Thanks to all of you for keeping track of my blog and following my (remarkable) progress... love you lots!
Here's a photo of me sleeping like a baby... a baby burrito, that is, in my swaddler!
I swear that we aren't styling my hair that way; Mommy May hasn't broken out the styling gel or anything. My hair is just stick straight and naturally stands up. Go figure.
Our time together passed much too quickly, and it was soon time to say goodbye... I was pretty sleepy in this next picture, but I rallied as best I could!
I love you, Tía Lu, and I can't wait to see you again! XOXOXOXO
p.s. I had also promised pictures with my Aunties Felicity and Lois, but, unfortunately, the pictures came out super blurry... I'll just have to find an excuse to hang out with them again soon to get some proper photos!