We had a pretty nice weekend, if I do say so myself. We stayed in on Saturday, as it was a rainy day, and Mommy and Daddy May needed to work on a computer. We think I'm going through another growth spurt, cause I took lots and lots of naps!
Here we are, just lounging and snuggling on Saturday morning. You'll notice that it's a pre-haircut shot:

Even on busy weekends, we like to start our mornings with hugs and kisses and some relax time. Itty Bitty Kitty likes to get in on the action whenever she can!
Here I am hanging out in the big chair, with my new do and a big smile:

Every day I learn something new... it's really quite amazing!! I am really starting to get interested in toys, and I am getting better and better at reaching for and grabbing things. I need to gather some more pictures, but then I will make a post showing some of my newest tricks.
For now, here I am trying out a new way to eat:

After my last check-up, my pediatrician gave the ok to start a little bit of cereal mixed into my milk. She recommended that I start with a spoon from the beginning, rather than in a bottle, to better help me with the transition to big people food. For the most part, I am doing fine with breastmilk, so Mommy May isn't going to rush me to solids. For now, it's just something we try out every once in a while so I can get used to the idea. I ended up wearing as much, if not more, as I ate, but it was still pretty fun. And, yes, Mommy May was feeding me out of a shotglass. No, it's not early training... it's the perfect size for mixing just a tiny bit of milk and cereal!
While I have gotten much better control over my hands, allowing me to do things like grab and pull Mommy May's hair and hold Daddy May's hand, I still do some funny things involuntarily. Lately, I have started hitting myself with my fist, over and over again, in the same spot. Take a look:
Check back soon!
The AAP actually recommends no water, juice, or other food for the first 6 months. I would show your pediatrician the data and ask about it. http://aappolicy.aappublications.org/cgi/content/full/pediatrics%3b100/6/1035
I think I can hear him saying "power to the people"!
A true Berkeley child. ;)
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