To be perfectly honest, I've had a rough couple of days. I have been super, super tired all the time, taking way more naps that I normally do AND going to bed very early. When I am awake, I just want Mommy May to hold me, and I get really cranky and fussy as soon as she tries to put me down. Also, I have been having a lot of trouble with breastfeeding again... we're not sure why, but I'm just not happy with the milk. Mommy May said it might have to do with cycling, which confused me completely, because I don't see what riding a bike has to do with nursing... plus, I don't think we even own a bike.
Anyhow, after my 3rd nap of the day, I had a small block of time where I was more like my regular self. I spent some time goofing around with Cousin Laura:

Then I tried to eat some more of my toys:

Finally, before crankiness and exhaustion overtook me once again, I lit up the room with one of my big, big smiles:
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