Sunday, November 2, 2008


Sorry it's been a little while since I've posted... things have been down right crazy lately!! As of last weekend, I am officially a world traveler. We went on a trek all the way to Vancouver for Uncle Trav and Uncle Trevor's wedding! Here I am at 5 am on the morning of our trip... of course I wouldn't dream of going anywhere without my monkey:

Here, monkey and I are getting strapped in for our first plane ride... safety first!

We flew from Oakland to Seattle, where we met up with Tía Lu and Uncle Pete. Then, we all drove up the rest of the way to Vancouver. This was our rental car:

We had some trouble with the Canadian border patrol... they were super mean and held us up while they asked lots and lots of questions. They almost strip-searched me... good thing I had a poopie diaper!

Despite our well-laid plans (not to mention some serious rushing), we kept running behind. Although I normally spend all of my car trips napping, I refused to sleep the whole drive from Seattle to Vancouver. We only had an hour to check-in to our hotel and get ready for the wedding, so I only got to nap for 30 minutes before we headed over for the ceremony. Mommy May was very nervous about how little I had slept all day, but, at that point, what choice did we have but to keep on truckin'?

Thankfully, we made it in time for the ceremony! The wedding site was beautiful, as was the ceremony:

It was quite chilly, so I stayed bundled up:

Tía Lu and Uncle Pete, all dolled up:

Alas, we barely made it through the ceremony before I had finally had enough. All of the traveling, all of the hurrying, and way too little sleep had taken it's toll. In the receiving line, Uncle Trav smiled big at me and started to tell me how adorable I looked in my little suit. Poor Uncle Trav... as soon as I saw him, I started screaming and crying. I promise it wasn't personal though, because I kept screaming for the next hour, until I finally fell into an exhausted sleep. At that point, Mommy and Daddy May were both also at the end of their ropes, and they were worried that I might wake up and start crying all over again, so we headed back the hotel.

I do have proof we were there, though, in this single, solitary picture of us at this very special event:
Here I am, back at the hotel that night, huddled under the covers. If you look very closely, you can just barely make out my poor, tired little foot:

Unfortunately, that was not the end of our ordeal, and we had to turn around and make the long trip home. Mommy May was determined to keep me on a better nap schedule on the way back, and I had a few good naps in the car.

Despite having more sleep, I had what could only be called a meltdown in the airport right before we boarded our flight home. About 15 minutes before boarding, I started screaming and wouldn't stop, no matter what! People kept coming up to Mommy May and asking if they could do anything to help... I think they thought she was the worst mommy ever! I finally quited down, and we boarded. Right around take-off, I started up again! A nasty yuppie couple sitting in front of us kept turning around and giving Mommy and Daddy May dirty looks and making mean comments. Mommy May pretty much panicked at that point, worried that I might scream the whole way home. But that great Mommy May got me to sleep in less than 10 minutes! Phew! I slept the rest of the way home, and barely stirred when they got me to bed.

I was all smiles the next morning, thrilled to be back home!

1 comment:

Trav said...

I've said it before, but again: thank you SO MUCH for coming. It was such a trek, as evidenced by that sleepy little foot in the last picture. We were so happy to see you.

Baby May: sorry for making you cry. You sure looked cute in that little suit!