Today was my first Thanksgiving! I still don't quite understand all of the history behind this special holiday, but I sure had a good time! Mommy May even got me this snazzy outfit:
If you look closely at my shirt, you can see that Pooh Bear is dressed up as an Indian, and Tigger is a Pilgrim. I know, I know--adorable!
I was still sleepy for most of today, but it's ok, as I hear that's a pretty common phenomenon for this holiday. I took lots of good naps, but I also spent a fair amount of time visiting and playing. I watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade with Nani in the morning, and then we had some special visitors this afternoon. Yin-Yin and her good friend, Uncle Paul, come over for dinner:

Uncle Paul and I spent some quality time discussing the merits of chewing on toys:

Then, of course, it was finally time to eat! Here's our modest but tasty spread:

The plan was to take a picture of me with all of the food and the cooked turkey, but, alas, I was sleeping when it all came together. I did sit at the dinner table with everyone, though, and I even had a little taste of potatoes and yams! Here I am in my high chair, where I was dubbed the Turkey King:

Young as I am, there is already so much that I am grateful for... what a wonderful tradition, to have an entire holiday devoted to being thankful! I hope that everyone also had a great day, and, to all of you loved ones who couldn't be here to share this special day, know that I held you very dear in my heart.
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