Today was kind of a funny day. It started out all right, at least on my part, but I got the feeling Mommy and Daddy May weren't very happy with me. I am a big believer in
early to bed, early to rise. That makes Saturday and Sunday mornings a little challenging for us, since I'm ready to get up and play at 5:30 am, while Mommy and Daddy May really want to get some more sleep. The struggle generally goes on for an hour or two; then, just when Mommy and Daddy May throw in the towel and decide to get up, I go down for my first nap of the day :-)
Once we were all up, it was playtime!! I got to spend some time in my jumper before we headed out for errands. Mommy and Daddy May have been toying with the idea of getting a picture of me with Santa (who I hear is a really nice chubby guy in a red suit), so, just in case, they got me dolled up. I was less than amused when I found out I was wearing antlers:
We went out and ran our errands, and we actually did come across Santa, but he was ducking out the back of the store. Apparently, there was some sort of emergency at the North Pole.
While we were out, we went for a quick bite to eat, and I got mistaken for a girl yet again. It happens more often than we would like. I know I'm pretty, but do I really look like a little girl?!
We came home and had a pretty nice afternoon, and we all had a nice, long, family nap. Then we just hung out and played, until Mommy and Daddy May got a little too silly for my taste. At first I tried to wait patiently for Mommy May to get done and give me a little space:

When she kept playing, I had to get a little more vocal:
No means no, Mommy May! I forgave her a few minutes later, of course... I even gave her extra hugs and kisses at bedtime, so she would know that I could never stay mad at her.